It was the final day of Netrunner at the Wizards of the Coast
tournament center in Renton, Washington. Thursday had been a fun sealed
deck tournament, and Saturday was a constructed deck tourney with 14
participants. After the big fun on Saturday, my cousin Rob Leachman and I
went into downtown Seattle for a great dinner of Aviator Amber Ale and
Chicken Carbonara. We finally got back to my friend Adem's house (where
we were staying) around 10:30 PM or so. I went upstairs to listen to Adem's
new demo tape (he's a musician) and when I went back downstairs 20 minutes
later, Rob was asleep on the couch, exhausted from 2 hard days of Netrunner.
So what does all this have to do with playing the game? Be patient, I'll
Because I had finished in third place in Saturday's tournament, I thought it
would be wise to develop a new Corp deck for Sunday. I opened one of my
boosters and found my rare was a Data Masons! Normally this would be a big
disappointment, but I was lightheaded and exhausted from beer and lack of
sleep, I knew I had a plan!
I went to sleep at 3:30 AM.
The tournament started at 11:00 AM, and it was a 30 minute drive to the
tournament center. We awoke at 9:00 AM and raced (Scrambled, as Rob put it)
to arrive around 10:00 AM. Rob and I played part of a practice game with my
new Corp, over our breakfast, and it was time for our third tournament in
four days.
I played against Cameron Herzog in the first round. I had struggled to a
draw with him the previous day, but I had hope that my new Corp would be a
good match for his Runner. It was. I started rezzing up Rio City Grids and
Data Walls almost immediately (he nicked a Data Mason off R&D early) and
the race was on: Build a huge Rio fort before Bodyweight/Organ Donor becomes
unstoppable. I scored an early Tycho Extension but Cameron made a long run
down my big fort, making both his Bartmoss rolls *and* my Rio rolls, and won.
My runner deck was designed to attack HQ and destroy ice, and I managed to
get a Tycho from Cameron, who had a very bad initial draw. I only installed
a single Code Cracker the whole game, and eventually got behind the Project
Consultant curve, and lost again.
My second opponent had more trouble with my giant Rio fort - but still
scored 6 agenda points before I managed to get seven myself. Now I was
running. Things went well early- I got an Agenda out of HQ on the second
turn and used Inside Job to get another on the fourth. I only needed two
more points to win.
It happened that I had played this opponent the previous day, as well, and
I knew, more or less, what to expect. He placed a card in his only data
fort, with two ice, and I had my plan. I would use a Loan from Chiba (my
second), Short Circuit for a Jackhammer, install the Jackhammer, and Inside
Job the fort. So I played my Loan, used my Short Circuit, and... OOOOOOPS!
About 2:30 AM that morning, I had placed a Jackhammer in my card box. It
was still there! I had nothing in my 45 card Runner stack that could break
walls. I was totally screwed. This is especially ironic when you realize
that my Corp deck was 70% walls.
I limped along with the Raptor I took instead, paying two bits per turn for
my Loans, and time ran out. After losing my first game, I knew this wasn't
Everyone was really nice and let me put a Jackhammer in my stack for the
last round (I took out a Score!). And I ended up getting fourth place,
which included a couple of Proteus boosters (look at the date of this story
to see how neat this was). But I will never forget, and hopefully, never
repeat, the time I was UP AGAINST THE WALL.
Byron Massey,